The Red Camel Story
The idea for The Red Camel began in the late 1990s with a desire to find beautiful tribal jewelry to wear while dancing at ren faires! What started as a search for personal pieces became a thriving business when my husband said “You have so much stuff. You should sell some of it”. The light bulb came on!
In 2003 The Red Camel was up and running on an informational web site with personal contact for sales. No e-commerce site! Back in those days, tribal dance jewelry was still hard to find and Red Camel thrived. Soon I was able to quite my full-time job and Red Camel was able to support an e-commerce site and a separate office/shipping space.
There have been a lot of changes since I began, but I’m still in love with what I do. And in spite of my good intentions, my personal collection has grown just a leeeeeetle bit since then! But even after 20 years, The Red Camel is still committed to bringing you great quality ethnic and tribal jewelry. Read more about the history in The Red Camel’s blog.