The Complete Red Camel Story … So Far!
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© 2024 Red Camel Tribal, LLC
Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here! If you’d like to hear the story of The Red Camel, you’ve come to the right place.
I've been selling beautiful ethnic and tribal jewelry, textiles and components since 2003. I began in the late 1990s as a dancer myself, performing in shows, ren faires and other large and small venues for over 10 years. I loved performing and making my own unique costuming to suit each occasion perfectly. Back then it was hard to find tribal jewelry and ornamental component pieces in the US and wow, were they expensive when you could! I might find a necklace here, or a mirrored textile there, but there wasn’t a ready source for tribal items then.
When I finally found a good, reliable source or two, everyone wanted to know about them. Little by little I compiled a list of places to find good pieces and started importing these adornments myself, catering to my friends in the dance community. As I continued to dance, and to collect, I gathered up quite a lot of pieces and soon found myself with an overage of items, and managing importing was nearing a full time job. So in 2007 I was able to “quit my day job” and devote my full attention this little enterprise. Over the years I have been able to expand my reach and now source from many different areas, including the Middle East, North Africa, Central and East Asia, India and more. When I moved The Red Camel to a stand-alone office in 2007, it grew exponentially and there was no turning back.
Back in 2003, the dollar was strong in the world market and it went a long way toward purchasing jewelry from distant lands. Now the dollar doesn't go nearly as far as it once did. I have seen prices rise every year since opening The Red Camel, but never so much as in the last decade or so. Vintage silver jewelry has taken an especially large jump. The days of finding a beautiful older headpiece or armband and purchasing it for a song are now a thing of the past. Shipping charges continue to climb and fuel surcharges are often added for overseas carriers. Today bargains are much more difficult to find.
In the late 2010s, our dance community saw a bit of a downturn due to several factors. The pandemic in 2019 and some personal struggles put a cap on that for me. While I was able to bring Red Camel back to a more affordable physical location, it was a difficult time. Fortunately I was able to find the necessary resources to keep The Red Camel up and running, and today things have again turned the corner toward more prosperous times.
My belief that every dancer should be able to costume herself or himself beautifully without breaking the bank still holds true, and after more than 20 years I am still committed to bringing you the best quality ethnic and tribal jewelry I can find for the best price. Today inferior, newly-made versions of the old style jewelry and cheaply mass-produced costume components are often pushed in place of authentic pieces. I am as selective as possible in looking for authentic pieces that are still in good condition that will work for dance costuming or for everyday wear. I do sometimes add new ethnic pieces that are of good quality and have a tribal appeal. But I also pass by many superb older vintage silver pieces that would have to be priced beyond most dancers' budgets. While finding quality adornments becomes a greater challenge every year, I'm still always looking for the best pieces at the best prices so I can assure you great variety and an honest price.
While there have been many changes for The Red Camel since the beginning, and many changes for the dance community as well, what hasn't changed is that it has been a wonderful experience. I've met so many great friends through Red Camel that I never would have otherwise. You have all been delightful and I wouldn't change anything about this journey!
The Red Camel will continue to carry beautiful, authentic ethnic and tribal jewelry from Morocco, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Yemen, Nepal, China and other Middle Eastern and Central and East Asian countries. I also have some delightful textile pieces from these areas as well as component pieces such as loose coins, amulets, buttons, shells and shisha mirrors to create and enhance your do-it-yourself costuming projects. I hope to be bringing you exciting tribal items for many years to come.
Thank you for your support and continued encouraging words over the years, and thank you, too, for reading my first blog entry on this new web platform! Please take a minute to look over the items I have in stock. If you love vintage tribal and ethnic jewelry, textiles and costuming components as much as I do, I think you will be pleased with what you see. And as always, your questions, comments and suggestions are always welcome.
Deb Voegeli
Owner, The Red Camel